Fukuoka & Culture|ACROS Fukuoka

Fukuoka & Culture

Fukuoka & Culture

Fukuoka is the thriving hub of Kyushu’s economy, culture and fashion.
Although Fukuoka is a city with a modern vibe, local culture such as festivals and traditional crafts that have been passed down since ancient times continue to play an important part in people’s lives.
Here we introduce you to some of the highlights of Fukuoka’s culture, focusing on traditional crafts.

Traditional Crafts
Unique traditional crafts born from Fukuoka’s historical background and climate

A variety of hands-on workshops to get closer to traditional Japanese crafts

Takumi (Arts & Crafts) Gallery
A place where visitors can see real Japanese craftsmanship up close

Exploring Fukuoka
Our Tourist Information provides information about ACROS Fukuoka and nearby cultural facilities