Like a green mountain in the middle of the city
The most striking aspect of ACROS would have to be the rooftop greenery space known as the “Step Garden”.
The rooftop garden flows like a waterfall of greenery cascading down the stepped sides of the building. Known also as the “ACROS Mountain”, it resembles a mountain in natural surroundings.
The method of planting a mix of uniformly trimmed trees was used to convey the impression that Tenjin Central Park extends right up to the top floor of the ACROS building. Greenery is planted on the roof of each story and in mini-planters lining the lower positions. Also the trees are trimmed to provide a sense of unity between the park and the building.
The rooftop green area extends for 5,400㎡ from the 2F to the 14F. After construction, 76 varieties totaling 37,000 plants were planted. Subsequent additional planting and the dispersal of seeds by wild birds have served to bring even greater diversity to the garden, which currently boasts 120 different varieties and a total of 50,000 plants.
According to the results of a study conducted by Kyushu University, cold air currents generated by the step garden at night make the garden and park comparatively cooler than the surrounding city area.
The Step Garden is open to the public and accessible from two entrances on the park side. It cannot be accessed from inside the building. Opening hours vary according to the season, so please check the times below.