Hikosan Rattles|Traditional Crafts|Fukuoka & Culture|ACROS Fukuoka

Fukuoka & Culture

Traditional Crafts

Hikosan RattlesFolk Crafts

Hikosan rattles originally come from Soeda Town, located at the foot of Mt. Hiko. They are the oldest kind of earthenware bells in Japan and boast a history of approximately 800 years. They are noted for their rustic charm and soothing sound. They are also said to have derived from some bells that Emperor Mommu left as an offering at Mt. Hiko as this particular tradition originated during a period of war when copies of these bells that had been buried in the ground were later distributed among worshippers. Today, these treasured items are hung in the entrance halls and on the gates of people's homes to ward off evil spirits, and are buried in the sluices of rice paddies to protect against disaster.